How Do You Become a Professional Sound Healer?

Have you ever attended a sound bath and wondered, “How can I learn to play these beautiful bowls?” “What does it take to facilitate these transformational experiences?” Do you feel like sound healing has helped you, and now it is your calling to help other people experience healing through the power of sound? Have you always been fascinated by energy and sound frequencies? Are you ready to deepen your sense of connection to yourself and others? Can you picture yourself owning a thriving healing business?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, it might be a sign that you are meant to be a sound healer. Here is everything you need to know to embark on that journey.
What Does a Professional Sound Healer Do?
Professional sound healers are trained to guide people — whether in groups or individually — through meditative sound baths in which singing bowls and sound frequencies are used to initiate and amplify the healing process. Professional sound healers have an in-depth understanding of how various musical frequencies create a healing response, personal knowledge of sound healing’s ability to transform learned through their own personal journeys, and the knowledge to create a safe and comfortable space in which people can relax into their healing. Sound healers know how to tap into the energy that makes up all things and all people in order to facilitate deeply restorative transformation and growth.
What Qualifications Do I Need to be a Sound Healer?
Many people find their way to becoming sound healing practitioners through a yoga or meditation practice, as teachers of these modalities, or from a career in music. These backgrounds are not necessary, truly, anyone can become a sound healer with the proper training, passion, and focus. What is necessary is that sound healers have a deep interest in sound healing and its benefits, an eagerness to learn about musical theory, and a deep passion for personal growth and discovery. To be an effective teacher and leader, it is essential to embody the healing you are facilitating. Sound healers must also dedicate time and energy to understanding the science of sound healing as well as mastering the art of creating unique healing experiences. If you are serious about learning sound healing, it is important that you get your own singing bowls so that you can practice and explore their healing powers for yourself. Some people wonder if they need an entire set of 7 chakra bowls to begin practicing sound healing, however, this is not actually necessary. The TSHA program requires that you have access to at least three crystal singing bowls before you start your sound healer journey so that you can learn to understand each of your individual bowls first and feel educated and empowered as you expand your set in time.
What Training Do You Need to Become a Sound Healer?
As with every healing modality, the more you practice, the better teacher you become. Learning is a never-ending process, and there are countless ways to go deeper in your practice in order to take your mastery to the next level. As you embark on your sound healer journey, it is wise to look for programs that explore various sound and energy healing techniques and delve deeply into the science behind sound frequencies. Learning to play a singing bowl in itself is actually quite simple, however it is only with consistent personal practice that you will become confident and embodied in this sacred art. To get the most value out of a training, you will want to choose a program that requires personal discovery, a home practice, and offers performance measurements (e.g., exams and practicums) in order to foster confidence and proficiency in playing your sound healing instruments and sharing healing sessions with others. Since you are looking toward sound healing as a career or want to learn it in order to enhance your current healing or teaching practice, it is important to find training that is led by people who have experience succeeding in the field and who also offer business mentorship to help you get a return on your investment by making money as a healer. Access to teachers, mentors, and peers who can help you on your journey is just as important as having the knowledge and skill to become a sound healer.
What Certifications Do I Need to be a Sound Healer?
While a certification is not technically required to give a sound bath, certifications tell students and clients that you are a professional who has invested your time and energy into learning how to be a responsible and empowering sound healer. A professional certification program, like The Sound Healer’s Academy, is a structured program that not only teaches you the theory, scientific principles, and practice of sound healing, it will also help guide you to create your own unique sound healing offerings, gain the practice and confidence to teach, and succeed in your business.
Here’s what to look for in a sound healing training program:
- Accredited certification units, e.g., through Yoga Alliance
- Teachers who have undergone extensive training and practice
- In-depth training about the theory of sound healing
- Training in music theory Training in energetic healing modalities
- Practice hours
- Mentorship
- Guidance on how to start and grow your business
Can Sound Healers Make Money?
Yes! Sound healers can absolutely build a thriving business and make six or seven figures. In order to do so, it is essential to work with business mentors and learn how to navigate entrepreneurship alongside your coursework in the fundamentals of sound healing. Scaling your sound healing business to six figures and beyond is entirely possible for you! It simply requires a bit of strategic guidance from people who have already done it themselves in order to help you outline and implement your business vision.
Are you ready to make the leap to start your journey as a certified sound healer? The Sound Healer’s Academy is an innovative professional sound healing certification that combines the fundamentals of sound and energy healing with an actionable business mentorship in a hands-on virtual training. Apply Now!